Graduation Day

After four years I have finally finished up my bachelor's degree. I graduated this past Friday from the University of Texas at Tyler with a degree in Mass Communication and I even managed to graduate Cum Laude. It was a day I have always dreamed about and was not sure if it would actually ever come, but it finally did.

I am thankful for everyone who supported me through this journey- financially, spiritually, and physically. I had some really fun times through the process and made great friends who have big futures ahead of them. 

I am a pretty devout about writing things down and journaling. There is something powerful about writing things down so that you can build altars of God's goodness and see exactly what He has done for you and in you. My dad has always said if you write things down it will make them happen, and I believe it. I always have a running to-do list laying around and love the feeling of being able to cross things off of it - college has been a really fun thing to cross off the list.

Here is just a bit of what I was feeling when I first started. It is so much fun looking back at this and think about all the good things and provision that has happened in my life since then. It is a great reminder to trust, it really is so sweet to trust in Him. I think I may be having some of these same feelings this week after graduating about what's next, but I have nothing to worry about because He provides in abundance. I am excited to see what's next.